Daguerreotype of Susan B. Anthony by Southworth & Hawes, circa 1850. From Wikipedia
Two days ago El País published the news that Texas Education Agency was changing text books with a clear ideological purpose. Next day I received from the Chronicle of Higher Education the news that billions of fresh dollars were being put aside by Texans for their universities. It was quite disturbing the sum of both news: piles of money for manipulating education?.
I have checked.
First of all, Texas Education Agency is brilliant: hope we get something like it with our Quality Agencies. Second, the agency do not impose anything, it only recommends what external experts suggest. Now, talking about the contents, in the particular case of Carrie Capman Catt, El País says:
Se borrarán las iniciativas de la sufragista Carrie Chapman CattWell, the fact is that TEA suggests to delete her (see it here) but it also recommends to introduce Susan B. Anthony, earlier and rather more important that Capman (there is much more bibliography and much more material for further readings).
So in the particular case of women rights the TEA is clearly improving the education in Texas: ¡Así se escribe la historia!
PD By the way the TEA has made efforts to correct what the media says about what they are doing. In this case is the right-wing FOX that has distorted some of their initiatives.
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