Old intentions have created a new field: Neuroaesthetics.
Professor Semir Zeki at the University College London is the inventor of this new subject. At first glance, in his writings and research there is an inovative balance between art and science: art is not a simple object there. The primarily importance given to the aesthetic experience makes the difference, compared to Gestalt School, for example. Based in neuroscience, the constant references to artist's ideas, writings and complete works of art are inspiring in this proposal.
The main difference with any artistic research is that all the experiments of Neuroaesthetics pretend to learn more about the brain, whereas in art research always pursues to produce works that challenge the definition of art itself. Anyway, I find this trend stimulating.
Less plausible are some derivations of Neuroaesthetics. Specially those that struggle to invent a machine capable of creating a work of art: what is called esthetic prosthestic. That's plane and simply old Science Fiction.
Professor Zeki has an interesting blog in which, curiously enough, there are no images at all. Just words.
Professor Semir Zeki at the University College London is the inventor of this new subject. At first glance, in his writings and research there is an inovative balance between art and science: art is not a simple object there. The primarily importance given to the aesthetic experience makes the difference, compared to Gestalt School, for example. Based in neuroscience, the constant references to artist's ideas, writings and complete works of art are inspiring in this proposal.
The main difference with any artistic research is that all the experiments of Neuroaesthetics pretend to learn more about the brain, whereas in art research always pursues to produce works that challenge the definition of art itself. Anyway, I find this trend stimulating.
Less plausible are some derivations of Neuroaesthetics. Specially those that struggle to invent a machine capable of creating a work of art: what is called esthetic prosthestic. That's plane and simply old Science Fiction.
Professor Zeki has an interesting blog in which, curiously enough, there are no images at all. Just words.